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Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

Why You’re Unhappy: 
Biology vs Politics

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Book Summary

Unhappiness is our brain’s natural default state, but we’re taught that happiness is “normal.” This makes your natural ups and downs seem like a disorder. It suggests that others are happy and you are missing out. And it diverts you from building skills that would actually spark your happy brain chemicals.

Why are we getting such bad information about our biology?

It’s politics.

Not politics in the sense of electing leaders, but politics in the sense of winning support by saying what’s popular.

Doctors, therapists, academics, and the media win support by saying what Rousseau said: that nature is happy and “our society” causes unhappiness. You are taught that animals, children and hunter-gatherers are happy, and you would be too if “our society” hadn’t messed things up.

You may like this in the short run because it makes unhappiness “not your fault.” But it’s profoundly disempowering in the long run. It makes you a helpless victim of external forces and ignores your power to build brain-management skills.

And it’s not true. This book shows that animals, children and hunter-gatherers are unhappy a lot. It shows why medicine, academia, therapy, and the media ignore the fact that our happy chemicals are not designed to be on all the time. When you know why our brain produces unhappiness, you can stop feeling broken and expand the happy moments that our brain is capable of.

It’s hard to question the popular view of happiness because you’re told that it’s THE Science. You risk being labelled an anti-science nut if you question it.

But life is short. Every minute you ignore your power over your brain is a minute less you have to be happy. You can blaze new trails to your happy chemicals now instead of waiting for society to make you happy. You can spark more dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin in healthy ways when you know the job these chemicals are designed to do.

Our brain evolved to promote survival, not to make you happy. It releases happy chemicals to motivate action that meets survival needs. It releases bad-feeling chemicals to alert you to threats. It’s so focused on avoiding potential threats that you can end up feeling bad in a good life.

Our chemicals are controlled by neural pathways built from past experience. You can build new pathways, but it takes work. You don’t do the work when you’re taught that happiness is “normal” and unhappiness is a disease cured by “treatment.” You don’t find your power over your chemicals when you’re taught to blame society for your unhappiness and expect society to fix it.

This book explains your power to rewire your brain for more happy chemicals. It shows you why politics obscures the biological facts. It’s not easy to feel good with this brain we’ve inherited. Humans have always struggled to build the skill of sparking happy chemicals. Here are the facts you need to build happy skills now.

Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Persian
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Podcasts on the book

Addiction-recovery perspective with TribeSober’s Janet Gourand

Grand Slam Journey with Klara Jagosova

Biohacking with Melanie Avalon


Brain Shaman

Just Me

Journal Article: Unhappiness Is Not a Disease

Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

Why You’re Unhappy
Biology vs Politics

$5 on Kindle! All formats available.


PODCASTS  discussing the book

CARTOONS  from the print book

Please review the book on Amazon


Book Summary

Unhappiness is our brain’s natural default state, yet we’re told that happiness is “normal.” This brings unnecessary suffering.

It makes your natural ups and downs seem like a disorder.
It makes you think others are effortlessly happy and you are missing out.
It distracts you from building the skills you need to spark your happy brain chemicals.
Why are we getting such bad information about our biology?

It’s politics.

Not politics in the sense of electing leaders, but politics in the sense of trying to win support by saying what’s popular.

Doctors, academics, therapists, and the media win support by embracing the popular Rousseauian view of happiness. Rousseau said that happiness is automatic in nature and unhappiness is society’s fault. You are told that animals, children and hunter-gatherers are happy all the time, and you would be too if “our society” hadn’t messed things up.

You may like to hear this in the short run, but it hurts you in the long run. It’s profoundly disempowering. It makes you a helpless victim of external forces and ignores your power to build brain-management skills.

And it’s not true. This book shows that animals, children and hunter-gatherers are unhappy a lot. It shows why medicine, academia, therapy, and the media ignore the biological fact that our happy chemicals are not designed to be on all the time. When you know the unhappy facts about our brain, you can stop feeling broken and expand the happy moments that our brain is capable of.

It’s hard to question the popular view of happiness because you’re told that it’s based on THE Science. You risk being labelled an anti-science nut if you question it.

But life is short. Every minute you ignore your power over your brain is a minute less you have to be happy. You can blaze new trails to your happy chemicals now instead of waiting for society to make you happy.

The brain we’ve inherited is good at creating unhappiness. It evolved to promote survival, not to make you feel good. It releases bad-feeling chemicals to help you avoid potential threats. You can end up feel bad in a good life because your brain is so good at anticipating threats.

When you understand your natural operating system, you can redirect it. But it takes work because it’s not natural. You only do the work if you accept your biology. This book gives you the biological facts that politics has obscured. We humans have inherited a brain that saves its happy chemicals for special moments. Sparking those chemicals is a skill that humans have struggled to build since the beginning of time. You don’t build the skill if you expect happiness to come automatically. You can start building it now.

Spanish, Turkish, Russian, Persian
For other translation rights, use contact form above.


Addiction-recovery perspective with TribeSober’s Janet Gourand

Grand Slam Journey with Klara Jagosova

Biohacking with Melanie Avalon


Brain Shaman

Just Me

Journal Article: Unhappiness Is Not a Disease

Top reviews

Meredith Edwards
Florida, USA

This book has changed my whole view of life. Once you see it, you can’t un-see

Klara Jagosova
Austin, Texas
It helps me manage the tug-of-war between fitting in and expressing my true self. But it takes courage to question the medical and psychological view

Rachelle Ayala
California, USA

I love this book because it debunks the myth of happiness being effortless and gives you a realistic way to manage your

Top reviews

Meredith Edwards
Florida, USA

This book has changed my whole view of life. Once you see it, you can’t un-see

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