Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

ANXIETY: What turns it on. What turns it off.

About the book

You can replace the siren blast of cortisol with serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Here’s how to build a new safety circuit to divert your electricity in a moment of anxiety. Nothing is wrong with you! Your brain is doing the job it evolved for: promoting your survival. It defines survival in a quirky way, alas, but you have the power to rewire it.


The Alarm System We All Share
Your Unique Individual Alarm System
How to Build New Circuits in Your Brain
Design the Perfect Safety Circuit for You

The mammal brain scans constantly for threats.
Dr. Breuning’s books help build a sense of safety.

Your brain is constantly looking for ways to meet your needs and avoid harm. It alerts you with cortisol when it sees anything related to past harm, or past obstacles to meeting your needs. Cortiosl works by making you feel bad. Like an alarm bell, it gets your attention and makes it hard to focus on anything but relieving it. When a gazelle smells a lion, cortisol tells it to stop eating even though it’s hungry, and that helps it survive.

A gazelle needs to eat despite the risk of being eaten by a lion. So it learns ways to feel safe while out grazing. The mammal brain builds a sense of safety in order to meet its needs.

Social alliances help protect a mammal from harm. A sense of safety and a relief of cortisol often come from mammalian social bonds. But there’s a down side: any threat to your social alliances may feel like a threat to your survival. Lots of cortisol spikes can result. It’s not easy being a mammal.

Here are excerpts on calming anxiety from the earlier books:
Habits of a Happy Brain, The Science of Positivity, and I, Mammal.

Help with Guided Neuroplasticity is here.


Retrain Your Brain to Boost Your Serotonin, Dopamine, Oxytocin, and Endorphin Levels

ANXIETY: What turns it on. What turns it off.

About the book

You can replace the siren blast of cortisol with serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. Here’s how to build a new safety circuit to divert your electricity in a moment of anxiety. Nothing is wrong with you! Your brain is doing the job it evolved for: promoting your survival. It defines survival in a quirky way, alas, but you have the power to rewire it.


The Alarm System We All Share
Your Unique Individual Alarm System
How to Build New Circuits in Your Brain
Design the Perfect Safety Circuit for You

The mammal brain scans constantly for threats.
Dr. Breuning’s books help build a sense of safety.

Your brain is constantly looking for ways to meet your needs and avoid harm. It alerts you with cortisol when it sees anything related to past harm, or past obstacles to meeting your needs. Cortiosl works by making you feel bad. Like an alarm bell, it gets your attention and makes it hard to focus on anything but relieving it. When a gazelle smells a lion, cortisol tells it to stop eating even though it’s hungry, and that helps it survive.

A gazelle needs to eat despite the risk of being eaten by a lion. So it learns ways to feel safe while out grazing. The mammal brain builds a sense of safety in order to meet its needs.
Social alliances help protect a mammal from harm. A sense of safety and a relief of cortisol often come from mammalian social bonds. But there’s a down side: any threat to your social alliances may feel like a threat to your survival. Lots of cortisol spikes can result. It’s not easy being a mammal.

Here are excerpts on calming anxiety from the earlier books:
Habits of a Happy Brain, The Science of Positivity, and I, Mammal. ​

Help with Guided Neuroplasticity is here.

Top reviews

Gregory L Griffin
United States
Dr. Breuning’s books show how to use the cortex and sub-cortex parts of the brain together more efficiently by rewiring new neural pathways to replace


I liked the advice, the examples used and the three steps to alleviate your anxiety. I will give it a try to these

Lukasz Stempniewicz
United States
Great book. Opened my eyes to viewing our actions from an evolutionary perspective. To be honest I have minimal anxiety but a keen interest inhow

Top reviews

Gregory L Griffin
United States
Dr. Breuning’s books show how to use the cortex and sub-cortex parts of the brain together more efficiently by rewiring new neural pathways to replace accidental circuits that don’t serve

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