Advanced Training Quiz C

Answer these questions after reading the book, Tame Your Anxiety and the slideshow, The Science of Happiness; and watching Life (2009 Attenborough/Winfrey) Episodes 1, 3, 10

Email your short answers to [email protected]


1.  A client tells you they want treatment for anxiety. You explain the concept of building new pathways by feeding your brain new experiences. They say are too anxious to do that and just want treatment. What will you say?

2.  A client tells you they have tamed anxiety with mindfulness. Yet you hear that they live an extremely restrictive life. The problem, they say, is that other people are still at a lower level of consciousness, which prevents them from doing what they want to do. How can you help them?

3.  A client tells you they have tamed  anxiety with diet, and exercise. But you observe that the only focus of their life is planning their diet and exercise. What suggestions do you have?

4.  A client tells you they have already tried everything but they can’t manage to trigger the highs that they read about. You explain that ups and downs are natural and they say your method doesn’t seem worth the effort if it can’t make you high. How will you work with them.